
Paws to Worship

kitten staring upward against sparkly background

In cleaning out files, this piece surfaced—created years before I’d done much writing about sacred objects. I’d totally forgotten about both this Joan of Arc embarrassment and the cat-food recall.…

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Funny False Teaching

Doctor's note diagnosing God with alzheimer's and infertility

This blog addresses serious theological problems, including when people deliberately confuse all kinds of Bible teaching. But there are times when we accidentally misstate things. Here are some examples found…

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An Ode to Mothers

My mother, the late Sadie Evelyn Henry Lusby, published the following piece in Seek magazine, May 11, 1975. That was just a few years past the time when my sister…

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Beatles and the Bible?

Man playing guitar

When I see the Beatles song title “I Should Have Known Better,” I can’t help thinking that if Samson had written a song about his relationship with Delilah, that would…

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Ask the Pope?

bleach bottle with halo

To attend a choir concert one time, Mom and I found ourselves seated in an enormous and ornate cathedral. While we waited for the program to begin, we silently admired…

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