“Gardyloo!” was a cry used in medieval Scotland (and on into modern times). The expression was derived from French words meaning “beware of the water.” When tenants on upper floors…
Tag: deception
Step 1: Think Right
The ad was for one of those TV shows in which people marry at first sight or marry someone just released from prison. A distraught woman was wailing, “I didn’t…
Burn It Because…
Burning is what the new Christians in Ephesus did with the heaps of occult objects they’d accumulated in their years of paganism. The burning was presumably to completely disavow and…
The Medium of Media
Webster’s defines a spiritual medium as “an individual held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of spirits.” People who go to such a…
They Want Our Kids
At the 2022 International Conference on Missions, my sister and I led a workshop titled “They Want Our Kids.” Here’s the handout we used. The handout is a limited bullet-point…