I’ve become very familiar with Psalm 18 over the past few years. Though David in Psalm 18 was praying against human enemies (who were, of course, aiding the dark side…
The Dragon Slayer
Immediately following 9/11/2001, some “let’s stick together, America” talk had emphasized that religious people should give up divisive “traditions”—the idea being that all views of God were equal. And so…
This information on bibliomancy (“book magic”) is related to the topic of lectio divina, which was addressed here. Merriam-Webster defines bibliomancy as “divination by books, especially the Bible.” A similar…
Prayer—Two Extremes
Could there be any more widely separated extremes than what we’re seeing in reactions to public prayer? Back in 2015 (though I only just learned of it early in 2023),…
Sacred Handkerchief?
I warned about sacred objects in a previous article. But what about Acts 19:11, 12? That passage records that people were being healed by handkerchiefs and aprons (likely, sweatbands and…