The term useful idiots seems to have been used by both Lenin and Stalin to refer to people here in the West who were doing things unawares to promote Communism/Socialism.…
The Wind Phone
In May of 2017 I learned about the wind phone. It’s a phone booth with an unconnected phone, located in Japan in the area of the earthquake-tsunami-nuclear disaster of 2011.…
Alice’s Amusing Insight
My friend, the late Alice Patrick, said some things that still help me—and maybe they’ll help you. She had been through some serious health issues, and I was worried about…
Can’t Help Speaking About the Lord
I love it when respected people in the spotlight give a shout-out to the Lord. As the 2017 NCAA men’s college basketball tournament progressed, I noted that a few players…
Anything Goes?
In Scripture, particularly the Old Testament prophets, it’s so clear that disregard for the Lord’s Word/way goes hand in hand with immorality (especially of a sexual nature). The scenario repeats…