I often bragged about my cancer doctors. I was so impressed with their perfect mix of confidence and humility. In the realm of Christian teachers, when I think of confidence…
Of Passion, Purpose, and God’s Will
What if I Can’t Find My Calling? “What’s wrong with me?” seems to be the feeling as so many people these days appear to be in an endless search for…
What Would the Apostle John Think?
In the summer of 2016, I enjoyed seeing the truly magnificent architecture of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (Episcopal) in NYC. I’m assuming this cathedral was named after…
St. Teresa of Avila
People ask what names to look for in spotting iffy teaching. Medieval mystic St. Teresa of Avila is one. No judgment is being made on Teresa’s motives/sincerity. But her encounters…
Nehemiah: Faith Plus Force
We see Nehemiah’s FAITH all through his story as a hands-on governor amid the suffering of his people. During the rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall (and surrounded by relentless troublemakers),…