Hebrews 10:19-22 says, “Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain,…
Out of My Mindfulness Part 3
Part 1 and Part 2 of this little series lead in to this foundational question: Is mindfulness/meditation an Eastern religion practice or not? With its use in schools, businesses, and…
Out of My Mindfulness Part 2
Part 1 of this series told of the ACLJ’s action against Buddhist meditation being forced on school kids. The ACLJ’s researchers dug into general (not just school-related) reports on mindfulness/meditation.…
Out of My Mindfulness Part 1
ACLJ attorney Jay Sekulow’s bulletin of December 11, 2018 focused on complaints about Buddhist/Eastern meditation being forced on school kids. More from that in a minute. Various “relaxation” programs have…
“Don’t Mess with Me!” Clothes
It was tough going at the office. You can probably imagine: There were orders coming down from people who had no clue about the implications of their decisions. The coworkers…