A memory from my teen years flashed into my head, for some reason, and made me look up the old song “I’m on the Battlefield for My Lord.” The back…
Happiness vs. “If Only”
The minister’s sermon was on the Matthew 10:16 idea of “wise as serpents, innocent as doves.” His focus was how Satan zeroes in on the one thing we crave…and uses…
Ask the Pope?
To attend a choir concert one time, Mom and I found ourselves seated in an enormous and ornate cathedral. While we waited for the program to begin, we silently admired…
Trouble with Truth
Some high-profile Christian writers/teachers instruct pastors to be careful about letting their congregations know exactly what they believe. And there are church websites that show a rather traditional statement of…
Do What He Says. Period.
In C. S. Lewis’s book 6 of the Narnia series, The Silver Chair, Aslan has given the children four signs to remember, which will help them through their upcoming treacherous…