I recently came across apologist Greg Koukl and his Stand to Reason ministry. But I was fascinated by his article “Tactics for Atheists.” Koukl is digging into (and exposing) strategies…
Can Christians Do “Good” Contemplative Prayer?
The people who claim that contemplative prayer is not of Eastern/occult association and those who gladly affirm its occult roots reference and recommend the same list of experts. The top…
Fake Spirituality Leaves You Hungry
Because of the success of the Jesus Calling books, we should expect to see other writers showcasing what God supposedly spoke to them. I just read one such book. I’d…
The Enneagram—A Quick Look
The promotion of Enneagram in the church has increased steadily. I’ll go into this topic in depth later, but I wanted to at least post this alert: Let’s not swallow…
Kiddie False Prophets
At a certain church years ago, a new associate minister’s wife visited the 5-year-olds’ Sunday school class. She was shocked to learn that for the past couple of years, the…