When our son Clint was in high school, his friend (whom I’ll call Lissa) came over to work on a school project. They soon got hungry and went to the…
The Real Thing vs. All Messed Up
Some Japanese words are very convenient. They encompass a range of meaning for which English would require a number of different expressions. The Japanese word mechakucha (meh-CHAH-koo-chah) is one of…
Atheist Agenda
I recently came across apologist Greg Koukl and his Stand to Reason ministry. But I was fascinated by his article “Tactics for Atheists.” Koukl is digging into (and exposing) strategies…
Can Christians Do “Good” Contemplative Prayer?
The people who claim that contemplative prayer is not of Eastern/occult association and those who gladly affirm its occult roots reference and recommend the same list of experts. The top…
Fake Spirituality Leaves You Hungry
Because of the success of the Jesus Calling books, we should expect to see other writers showcasing what God supposedly spoke to them. I just read one such book. I’d…