Jay Sekulow’s ACLJ periodically has to defend a student whose Bible has been confiscated at school and/or the student has been told it’s forbidden to talk about Jesus there, even…
Bring Back the Young People
J. Warner Wallace has a huge compilation of research related to why young people are leaving the church. He lists a bunch of books/surveys, then summarizes what those found. Here…
Of Crucifixes and Rabbits’ Feet
In March 2020, Pope Francis went to a specific church to pray in front of a certain crucifix, asking for a stop to the coronavirus. Apparently this crucifix had survived…
Christian Goddess Worship
This article about goddess worship tells of an ecumenical conference (clear back in 1993!) where they invoked the goddess Sophia. “Communion” emblems were milk and honey, not bread and wine.…
The Importance of Apologetics
I just pulled out and reread my old copy of The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days by Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon. Whoa. First published…