Christian friends are asking each other’s opinion about various spiritual practices/teachings that originated in Eastern religions and the occult—things like mantra meditation, sacred objects, smudging, chakras, reiki … As mentioned…
Asking Good Questions—Part 1
J. Warner Wallace has a series called “Quick Shots.” (Search for that among the many good helps on his site.) The feature is designed mainly to tutor Christians in answering…
Selfism and Sorcery
Writers of The Seduction of Christianity referred to the spiritual drift they saw in 1985 as an obsession with “selfism and sorcery.” Full quote: “With the leading psychologists and psychiatrists…
When “God Shows Up”
“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them…
Angel Impersonators
Do you know what an angel is? Are you sure? I watched a TV documentary (and also read further) about a certain cult group. One report said that the leader…