March 2021. Some Sunday school classes had been canceled altogether during the year-long COVID “emergency.” Wanting to open back up, many considered Easter Sunday to be a good time. But…
What Kind of Schooling at School?
My post “Chosen? … Or Targeted?” dealt with concerns related to the school system (like programs/classes in which students would “experience activism” or “learn about religion”). Here are some more…
This World Is Not My Home
As 2020 became more saturated with stress, lies, fear, and violence, I found myself singing the old song “This World Is Not My Home.” As a child in the ’50s…
Decoding Deception
As a guest on the Awake the Iron podcast, I spoke about deception in the church, particularly as relates to confused definitions. Whenever we get what my family has come…
Video Workshop: ABCs of False Teaching
The Christian from a Buddhist culture sees it. The missionary to Hindus sees it. The former Satanist sees it. But the average Christian may miss new twists on old deceptions…