What’s the best way to make a statement—when it will be read/heard by different categories of people—so that it will be processed properly by everyone? I’m talking about things like Facebook…
Dots That Won’t Connect
Cults and New Age groups reject Christianity but typically also force some connections with it. (My opinion is that this is a stab at credibility and/or an attempt to attract…
A Look at (and Laugh About) Money
Is it cheating for a blog post to merely remind readers of a previous post? Oh well. In case you never saw this 2018 post, check it out. Especially if…
Manmade Nothingness
The following paragraph is from Japan missionary Stella Cox’s February 2022 newsletter. Stella, being around 90 years of age, has long seen and understood the emptiness in Buddhist and Shinto…
Questions First, Answers Later
My series “Asking Good Questions” spun that theme mostly toward discussions with other believers who are drifting into questionable beliefs and practices. But the idea is also useful for talking…