
Religion and Health Care

In May 2017, Jay Sekulow’s website featured the story “Faith Shouldn’t Disqualify You from College” (an update from an ongoing lawsuit). A college interviewer had said that the applicant to a medical program “brought up religion a great deal during the interview.” And in the interviewer’s opinion, the radiation therapy field “is not the place for religion.”

doctor with clipboardSo the applicant was denied entrance into this college program. Even though, according to Sekulow’s report, the applicant had barely mentioned—and only in reply to a direct question—that he based his moral values on his faith.

What we need to get here is that IF (big IF) religion has no place in the medical field, that college interviewer should be scolding those medical professionals already inserting religious things into the medical field.

Hospitals/health-care facilities openly promote and offer reiki sessions and yoga. Reiki is an occult practice (with a Buddhist connection), “channeling” spirits/spirit “energy.” Certified practitioners have been initiated, “attuned.” (And explanation of the true nature of reiki seems to be routinely withheld from the patients. Now, there’s the basis for a lawsuit!) As for yoga, Hindus attest that yoga is Hindu. Reiki and yoga are religious (as experts and certified practitioners/teachers well know).

So in the current climate, other religions can mix with the medical field, but Christianity is out of place? Know the facts.

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