
Feeling, Faith, and Fact

Many posts on this site deal with the importance of knowledge, evidence, facts, truth. Other posts touch on our tendency to over-emphasize self and feelings.

Please site-search for some of those posts and review them. Then consider this old poem that—in my mind—ties all that together in a precious, memorable formula.


Feeling, Faith, and Facthands reaching over a rock

Three men were walking on a wall,
Feeling, Faith, and Fact,
When Feeling got an awful fall,
And Faith was taken back.
So close was Faith to Feeling,
He stumbled and fell too,
But Fact remained,
And pulled Faith back,
And Faith brought Feeling too.


(Poem seems to have originated in The Miracle Hand Around the World by Anna McGhie, 1947. I found in Streams in the Desert, Vol. 2, Mrs. Charles Cowman, 9th printing 1969, Feb 11 entry.)

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