Worried about finances? The enemy likes to have us wringing our hands. Instead, get mad! Go overboard to defy him. My personal example is from a time when we had so very little. Yes, I agonized and wilted. But a few times I told myself the truth: How can I expect others to believe the Lord provides abundantly, if I don’t? So in defiance of the dark side, I forced myself to gather a box of things (“Why, those 10 books on the bookshelves and 5 outfits in the closet must be MORE than I need!”) . . . and take it to the thrift store, saying, “I have so much—thank you, God!—I can even give it away! Bwaaah ha ha!” I sounded like a crazy woman, but the results were astonishing. An immediate alignment of peace and power. Anytime I did something like that, the Lord soon sent a wild bonus, which I took as validation—and as just plain sweet. I testified of what he’d done. It was an extremely tough time, but I learned a lesson I don’t want to forget: what God’s people possess “on paper” is irrelevant.
For more on thinking about money in terms of the God factor, read my book Debt Free College—We Did It! See a few sample pages from the book at Google Books, and click the image to see a few reviews on Amazon.